Sunday, February 13, 2011

Intro to the SAHW and HWH

How did all of this start? Well, that certainly depends how far back you want to go. A series of happy events joined the SAHW (stay at home wife) and the HWH (hard working husband) and on Saturday, October 23, 2010 they became the new Flueckiger Family. 

{Mason Dixon Days Photography}

But I suppose the real question is, how does one become accidentally anything? The long and short of it is: the crummy economy, and some serious disenchantment with my career path led us to more or less throw our hands in the air and say "what the hell?" and see what happened. My final day of corporate slavedom was exactly one week before our fun and fantastic and amazing wedding day, and although I don't simply sit on the sofa watching repeats of Criminal Minds and drinking margaritas (more on what I actually do, what I sometimes watch, and what I am always thirsty for is forthcoming in future entries, I promise) my life has become quite domestic.

Tonight while preparing a delicious pico de gallo sans recipe from scratch (I'm pretty good at tooting my own horn...) I thought it would be fun to build a little corner of the interwebs to post recipes, laughs, pretty things, and really anything else I want to share...I hope you enjoy!

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